Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial). "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda" - University of Texas Libraries Collections. 1730.
Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial). (1730). "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda". Retrieved October 14, 2024, from
Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial). "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda". 1730. "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda" – Collections". University of Texas Libraries Collections. <> (14-October-2024).Note that these citations have been automatically generated, please verify that citation is correct and contains all necessary information.