Search Results
Translated Title:
Puente family name history
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Peña family name blazon
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Peña family name history
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Marbled paste-down endpaper in interior of a hardcover binding
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Family tree diagram
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"Map of the Distinguished Town and Royal Collegiate of the Sanctuary of the Most Holy Mary of Guadalupe"
Creator / Contributor:
Bonnard (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
Map of the Virgin of Guadalupe shrine complex and its surroundings
Creator / Contributor:
Montes de Oca, José María, 1772-c. 1825 (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1796-1805
Translated Title:
"2nd View of the Panorama of Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
López, Urbano (artist / artista) , Lithographie Prodhomme (lithographer / litógrafo) , and Valverde, Diego de (architect / arquitecto)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1840
Translated Title:
San Jerónimo Aculco parish and square
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista) and Unidentified / No identificado (architect / arquitecto)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
First floor plan of the Temple, Convent, and College of El Carmen de San Ángel
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Cathedral of San Luis Potosí
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (photographer / fotógrafo) and Sánchez, Nicolás (architect / arquitecto)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1910
Translated Title:
"Catedral de Morelia"
Creator / Contributor:
Barroso de la Escayola, Vicencio (architect / arquitecto) and Arango (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1830-1850
Translated Title:
Floor plan for a church-convent complex
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
"Map of the Philippine Islands"
Creator / Contributor:
Bagay, Nicolás de la Cruz, 1701- (engraver / grabador) and Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
A flotilla of Spanish Catholic galleons
Creator / Contributor:
Kilian, Wolfgang, 1581-1662 (engraver / grabador) and Plautius, Caspar, active 1621 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Admiral of ships for the Indies"
Creator / Contributor:
Kilian, Wolfgang, 1581-1662 (engraver / grabador) and Plautius, Caspar, active 1621 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Metropolitan Sanctuary
Creator / Contributor:
Rodríguez, Lorenzo (architect / arquitecto) and Unidentified / No identificado (photographer / fotógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"Venerable portrait of the Venerable Mother Sister Sebastiana Josepha of the Holy Trinity"
Creator / Contributor:
Ipti Morales (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Map of California, its gulf, and border provinces in the continent of New Spain"
Creator / Contributor:
Peña, I. (engraver / grabador) and Venegas, Miguel, 1680-1764 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Portrait of the Most Reverend Mother María Ignacia Azlor y Echeverz"
Creator / Contributor:
Rea (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Delineation and drawing of the constellations and parts of the sky where the great comet passed"
Creator / Contributor:
Isarti, Antonio de (engraver / grabador) , Rodríguez Lupercio, Francisco (publisher / editorial) , and Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Map of the Sumptuous Library of the Distinguished Palafoxiano Seminary of Puebla de los Ángeles"
Creator / Contributor:
Zendejas, Miguel Jerónimo, 1724-1815 (artist / artista) and Nava, José de, 1735-1815 (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Demarcation of new missions requested by the Franciscan fathers in New Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Allegorical scenes of the arts and sciences
Creator / Contributor:
Valadés, Diego, 1533- (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Vows of profession to the Order of St. Jerome
Creator / Contributor:
Cruz, Juana Inés de la, 1651-1695 (author / autora)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Ceiling woodwork designs
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Ceiling woodwork designs
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Ceiling woodwork designs
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Ceiling woodwork designs
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Tabernacle elevation
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Altarscreen elevation
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Altar elevation
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
Doorway elevation
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
"Presidio of Our Lady of Loreto in the Bay of the Holy Spirit"
Creator / Contributor:
F. Silverio (artista / artist) , Peña, Juan Antonio de la (contributor / contribuidor) , and Ortega Bonilla, Juan Francisco de (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Plan of the Presidio of Our Lady of Sorrows"
Creator / Contributor:
F. Silverio (artista / artist) , Peña, Juan Antonio de la (contributor / contribuidor) , and Ortega Bonilla, Juan Francisco de (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Sketch or design that tries to give an idea of the River of San Juan de Nicaragua and the relation between the sites of the old and ruined Castle of San Juan and the new Fort of San Carlos"
Creator / Contributor:
Alejandre Guerrero, José María (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The crimes and epics of colonial Mexico", cover
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"New idea of the plan of a presidio of the internal provinces on what should be built in those that will be erected"
Creator / Contributor:
Fora, Nicolas de la, circa 1730- (designer / diseñador) and Machado, Francisco (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Nota de deuda en papel sellado
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Day of Criminal Execution"
Creator / Contributor:
Anonymous / Anónimo (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Interior view of Mexico City’s Cathedral
Creator / Contributor:
Valverde, Diego de (architect / arquitecto) and Unidentified / No identificado (photographer / fotógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
Papel sellado
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Death of Father Hidalgo and other Mexican Heroes"
Creator / Contributor:
Michaud, Julio, 1807- (publisher / editorial) , Thomas, Antoine Jean-Baptiste, 1791-1834 (publisher / editorial) , and López, Urbano (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Imprisonment of General Morelos"
Creator / Contributor:
Michaud, Julio, 1807- (publisher / editorial) , Thomas, Antoine Jean-Baptiste, 1791-1834 (publisher / editorial) , and López, Urbano (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Don Ferdinand VII, Catholic King of Spain and its Indies"
Creator / Contributor:
Ximeno y Planes, Rafael, 1759-1825 (artist / artista) and Paz Aráoz, Manuel (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Liberator, Don Agustín de Iturbide, Emperor of Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
Decaen (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
Doña Josefa Ortiz de Domínguez
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"Agustín de Iturbide and his Illustrious Contemporaries"
Creator / Contributor:
Michaud y Thomas, Julio (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"Political question: Can New Spain be free?", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Mier Noriega y Guerra, José Servando Teresa de, 1763-1827 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Plan of Iguala" draft, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued: