41. "Venerable retrato de la Venerable Señora Doña Josepha Antonia de Nuestra Señora de la Salud Gallegos" Translated Title: "Venerable portrait of the Venerable Lady Doña Josepha Antonia of Our Lady of Health Gallegos" Creator / Contributor: Moreno F., Antonio de (engraver / grabador) Date Created / Date Issued: 1752
42. "Visita de las missiones en Sonora, y sus contornos" Translated Title: "Inspection of the missions in Sonora and its contours" Creator / Contributor: Baltasar, Juan Antonio, 1697-1763 (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1752
43. "La nobilísima, y muy leal Ciudad de los Ángeles" Translated Title: "The most noble, and very loyal City of Angels" Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1754
44. "Mapa de la California, su golfo, y provincias fronteras en el continente de Nueva España" Translated Title: "Map of California, its gulf, and border provinces in the continent of New Spain" Creator / Contributor: Peña, I. (engraver / grabador) and Venegas, Miguel, 1680-1764 (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1757
45. "San Felipe de Jesús Mártir del Japón y Patrón de la Ciudad de México, su Patria" Translated Title: "San Felipe de Jesús Martyr of Japan and Patron of Mexico City, his Homeland" Creator / Contributor: Villavicencio, Manuel de, active 1762-1795 (engraver / grabador) Date Created / Date Issued: 1762
46. "Venerable retrato de la Venerable Madre Sor Sebastiana Josepha de la Santísima Trinidad" Translated Title: "Venerable portrait of the Venerable Mother Sister Sebastiana Josepha of the Holy Trinity" Creator / Contributor: Ipti Morales (engraver / grabador) Date Created / Date Issued: 1765
47. Resumen de la orden de los jesuitas en las Américas y su expulsión Translated Title: Summary of the Jesuit Order in the Americas and Their Expulsion Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1768
48. "Plano de la Nueva España" Translated Title: "Map of New Spain" Creator / Contributor: Álzate y Ramírez, José Antonio (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1769
49. Decreto sobre la rebelión de los Seres y Pima Translated Title: Decree on the rebellion of the Seres and Pima Creator / Contributor: Gálvez, José de, 1720-1787 (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1769-05-08
50. "Nueva idea del Plano de un Presidio de las Provincias internas sobre lo que se han de construir los que se van á erigir" Translated Title: "New idea of the plan of a presidio of the internal provinces on what should be built in those that will be erected" Creator / Contributor: Fora, Nicolas de la, circa 1730- (designer / diseñador) and Machado, Francisco (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1771-09-20