1. "Patente del Padre Comisario General de la Nueva España envía a los religiosos de la Custodia de la Florida", página 1 Translated Title: "Patent of the Father Commissioner General of New Spain sends to the religious of the Custody of Florida", page 1 Creator / Contributor: Cieza, Juan de (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1607
2. "Le Nouveau Mexique et la Floride" Translated Title: "New Mexico and Florida" Creator / Contributor: Sanson d'Abbeville, N. (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Somer, [unidentified] (engraver / grabador) Date Created / Date Issued: 1656
3. "Presidio de Nuestra Señora de Loreto en la Bahía del Espíritu Santo" Translated Title: "Presidio of Our Lady of Loreto in the Bay of the Holy Spirit" Creator / Contributor: F. Silverio (artista / artist) , Peña, Juan Antonio de la (contributor / contribuidor) , and Ortega Bonilla, Juan Francisco de (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1722
4. "Plan del Presidio de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores" Translated Title: "Plan of the Presidio of Our Lady of Sorrows" Creator / Contributor: F. Silverio (artista / artist) , Peña, Juan Antonio de la (contributor / contribuidor) , and Ortega Bonilla, Juan Francisco de (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1722
5. "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda" Translated Title: "The Venerable Mother María de Jesús de Agreda" Creator / Contributor: Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , and Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1730
6. "Demarcación de nuevas misiones que pidieron los padres franciscanos en Nuevo México" Translated Title: "Demarcation of new missions requested by the Franciscan fathers in New Mexico" Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1746
7. "Visita de las missiones en Sonora, y sus contornos" Translated Title: "Inspection of the missions in Sonora and its contours" Creator / Contributor: Baltasar, Juan Antonio, 1697-1763 (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1752
8. "Mapa de la California, su golfo, y provincias fronteras en el continente de Nueva España" Translated Title: "Map of California, its gulf, and border provinces in the continent of New Spain" Creator / Contributor: Peña, I. (engraver / grabador) and Venegas, Miguel, 1680-1764 (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1757
9. "Plano que manifiesta el proyecto de una nueva población en la nueva California" Translated Title: "Plan showing the projection of a new population in the new California" Creator / Contributor: Córdova, Alberto de (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1796-10-06
10. "Registro y posesión de [tierra de] Juan Andrés de Ávalos", página 1 Translated Title: "Registration and possession of [land by] Juan Andrés de Ávalos", page 1 Creator / Contributor: Ávalos, Juan Andrés de (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1738