1. "Tipus sacrificiorum, quae in templis Demonum Indi imaniter faciebant", frontispicio Translated Title: "Types of Sacrifices, which the Indians Presented on the Demonic Temple," frontispiece Creator / Contributor: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1571
2. Painting of Misquiahuala and Atengo Translated Title: Pintura de Misquiahuala y Atengo Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Padilla, Juan de (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1579
3. Painting of Amoltepec Translated Title: Pintura de Amoltepec Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Cervantes, Hernando de (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1580
4. Painting of Cempoala Translated Title: Pintura de Cempoala Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Obregón, Luis (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1580
5. Pintura de Teozacoalco Translated Title: Painting of Teozacoalco Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Cervantes, Hernando de (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1580
6. "Mapa de la California, su golfo, y provincias fronteras en el continente de Nueva España" Translated Title: "Map of California, its gulf, and border provinces in the continent of New Spain" Creator / Contributor: Peña, I. (engraver / grabador) and Venegas, Miguel, 1680-1764 (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1757
7. Xicoténcatl and Tlaxcaltec nobles present gifts and maidens to Hernan Cortés and his men while Malintzin translates Translated Title: Xicoténcatl y lideres Tlaxcaltecas entregan regalos y doncellas a Hernán Cortés y sus hombres mientras Malintzin traduce Creator / Contributor: Reino de Tlaxcala (corporate author / autor corporativo) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1530-1540
8. Tributo "de los cuatro barrios de México", parte 1 Translated Title: Tribute "of the four neighborhoods of Mexico", part 1 Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1550
9. Mapa de tributos Translated Title: Tribute map Creator / Contributor: Santiago, Alonso de (author / autor) and Días, Juan (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1708-1727