Search Results
Translated Title:
"Here begins a vocabulary in the Spanish and Mexican languages", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Molina, Alonso de, -1585 (author / autor) and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Chapter nineteen of very great and never heard cruelties that they did in the festivals of the fire god"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Chapter twenty of how children were sacrificed to the god of water"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Political question: Can New Spain be free?", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Mier Noriega y Guerra, José Servando Teresa de, 1763-1827 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Very helpful brief doctrine of things pertaining to the Catholic faith and to our Christianity in plain style for common understanding", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548 (author / autor) , Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial) , and Cromberger, Juan, -1540 (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Christian doctrine in the Spanish and Mexican languages", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Dominicans / Dominicos (corporate author / autor corporativo) and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Very useful and necessary Christian doctrine in Spanish, Mexican and Otomí", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Vargas, Melchor de (author / autor) and Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600 (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The order and count that the [Nahuas] historically had to count the years", page 2
Creator / Contributor:
Chávez, Gabriel de (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Review of the payroll of the soldiers and people", page 2
Creator / Contributor:
Enríquez, Martín, -1583 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Patent of the Father Commissioner General of New Spain sends to the religious of the Custody of Florida", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Cieza, Juan de (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Painting of the Tepatepec pueblo against Manuel de Olvera"
Creator / Contributor:
Tepatepec Pueblo (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Royal decree to the Bishop of Oaxaca regarding the mistreatment of the Indigenous", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 (author / autor) and Eraso, Antonio de, -1586 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Registration and possession of [land by] Juan Andrés de Ávalos", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Ávalos, Juan Andrés de (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1738
Translated Title:
"General summary of the people who live in the second street of La Monterilla and following"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
" prohibit Chinese Christians from doing certain ceremonies... in veneration of their teacher Confucius...", prologue
Creator / Contributor:
Varo, Francisco, 1627-1687 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Vocabulary in Mixtec language", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Alvarado, Francisco de, -1603 (author / autor) and Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600 (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Plan of Iguala" draft, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Folio en papel verjurado estampado al reverso con sello
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Letter to Charles V regarding the governance of the Indigenous people, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Decree on the rebellion of the Seres and Pima
Creator / Contributor:
Gálvez, José de, 1720-1787 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Invoice to produce a bound illustrated certification of arms
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Report of campaign against rebels in Veracruz, page 7
Creator / Contributor:
Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 1794-1876 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Nota de deuda en papel sellado
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Royal order on the good treatment to be given to the Indigenous, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779 (author / autor) , Arriaga y Ribera, Julián Manuel de, 1700-1776 (author / autor) , and Gorraez, Joseph de, active 18th century (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Congregation of Indigenous people in Sinaloa and Sonora, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Original account of the first news in Guanajuato about the insurrection of Father Hidalgo and the taking of the Alhóndiga de Granaditas, page 1
Creator / Contributor:
García Castrillo, Juan José (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Summary of the Jesuit Order in the Americas and Their Expulsion
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz
Creator / Contributor:
Cabrera, Miguel, 1695-1768 (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1750
Translated Title:
Calendario litúrgico católico de días festivos y ceremoniales
Creator / Contributor:
Catholic Church (corporative author / autor corporativo) , Iglesia Católica (corporative author / autor corporativo) , and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Papel sellado
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Papel estampado con filigrana de escudo
Creator / Contributor:
Spanish Crown / Corona española (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Proclamación virreinal-arquidiócesis a favor de Fernando VII
Creator / Contributor:
Lizana y Beaumont, Francisco Javier, 1750-1811 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Vows of profession to the Order of St. Jerome
Creator / Contributor:
Cruz, Juana Inés de la, 1651-1695 (author / autora)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
Index of prohibited books
Creator / Contributor:
Mier y Villar, Juan de (author / autor) , Bergosa y Jordán, Antonio, 1748- (author / autor) , Prado y Obejero, Bernardo de (author / autor) , Pereda y Chaves, Jose de (author / autor) , and Inquisición / Inquisition (corporative author / autor corporativo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Chapter eighteen of the festival called tlacaxipehualiztli"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Chapter xxi of the offerings and sacrifices that were made to the devil"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Chapter xxii of the feast and sacrifices made by the merchants"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549