Search Results
Translated Title:
"2nd View of the Panorama of Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
López, Urbano (artist / artista) , Lithographie Prodhomme (lithographer / litógrafo) , and Valverde, Diego de (architect / arquitecto)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1840
Translated Title:
"Un mapa nuevo y preciso de México o Nueva España junto con California Nuevo México"
Creator / Contributor:
Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 or 1694-1767 (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Agustín de Iturbide and his Illustrious Contemporaries"
Creator / Contributor:
Michaud y Thomas, Julio (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"Admiral of ships for the Indies"
Creator / Contributor:
Kilian, Wolfgang, 1581-1662 (engraver / grabador) and Plautius, Caspar, active 1621 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Altar of the Kings"
Creator / Contributor:
San Miguel, Andrés de, fray, 1577-1644? (designer / diseñador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1630–1642
Translated Title:
"America or the New World Map"
Creator / Contributor:
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Diesth, Aegidius Coppenius (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Here begins a vocabulary in the Spanish and Mexican languages", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Molina, Alonso de, -1585 (author / autor) and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"1520, Tenochtitlán"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1550-1600
Translated Title:
"Chapter nineteen of very great and never heard cruelties that they did in the festivals of the fire god"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Chapter twenty of how children were sacrificed to the god of water"
Creator / Contributor:
Motolinía, Toribio, -1568 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1549
Translated Title:
"Catedral de Morelia"
Creator / Contributor:
Barroso de la Escayola, Vicencio (architect / arquitecto) and Arango (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1830-1850
Translated Title:
"Collection of works and pamphlets pertaining to the miraculous appearance of the beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe", frontispiece and title page
Creator / Contributor:
Rodríguez, Manuel (engraver / grabador) and Imprenta de Lorenzo de San Martin (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Copy of the geographical map that shows the ancient site of Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
Galicia Chimalpopoca, Faustino, -1877 (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Sketch or design that tries to give an idea of the River of San Juan de Nicaragua and the relation between the sites of the old and ruined Castle of San Juan and the new Fort of San Carlos"
Creator / Contributor:
Alejandre Guerrero, José María (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Plan for a city of Spaniards"
Creator / Contributor:
Galicia Chimalpopoca, Faustino, -1877 (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Political question: Can New Spain be free?", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Mier Noriega y Guerra, José Servando Teresa de, 1763-1827 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"De optimo", title page
Creator / Contributor:
More, Thomas, Saint, 1478-1535 (author / autor) , Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536 (contributor / contribuidor) , and Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548 (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Delineation and drawing of the constellations and parts of the sky where the great comet passed"
Creator / Contributor:
Isarti, Antonio de (engraver / grabador) , Rodríguez Lupercio, Francisco (publisher / editorial) , and Kino, Eusebio Francisco, 1644-1711 (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Demarcation of new missions requested by the Franciscan fathers in New Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Geometric Demonstration of a Large Cattle Site"
Creator / Contributor:
Manrique de Zúñiga, Álvaro, marqués de Villamanrique, 1525?-1604 (author / autor) , Tovar Godínez, Luis de (contributor / contribuidor) , and Cuevas, Juan de (contributor / contribuidor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Very helpful brief doctrine of things pertaining to the Catholic faith and to our Christianity in plain style for common understanding", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Zumárraga, Juan de, 1468-1548 (author / autor) , Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial) , and Cromberger, Juan, -1540 (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Christian doctrine in the Spanish and Mexican languages", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Dominicans / Dominicos (corporate author / autor corporativo) and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Very useful and necessary Christian doctrine in Spanish, Mexican and Otomí", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Vargas, Melchor de (author / autor) and Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600 (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Day of Criminal Execution"
Creator / Contributor:
Anonymous / Anónimo (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Behold, I and my children, you gave me a sign and symbols in Israel from the Lord, who dwelleth in Mount Zion"
Creator / Contributor:
Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Count of Regla"
Creator / Contributor:
Ortuño, Joseph Benito de (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Liberator, Don Agustín de Iturbide, Emperor of Mexico"
Creator / Contributor:
Decaen (lithographer / litógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"The Abyss of the Blood Flowers, or, La Malinche and Xicoténcatl"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The End of an Aztec Hero, or, the Eternal Curse"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The cry of freedom, or, long live Independence!", portada
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Satan's Lightning Ray, or, for the Love of a Daughter"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Siege of Tenochtitlán, or, the Last Day of an Empire"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Gold Subterranean, or, the Duel in the Darkness"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Enter the Holy Temple to cultivate the virtues"
Creator / Contributor:
Quiros y Camposagrado, Manuel (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Don Ferdinand VII, Catholic King of Spain and its Indies"
Creator / Contributor:
Ximeno y Planes, Rafael, 1759-1825 (artist / artista) and Paz Aráoz, Manuel (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Form and Establishment of Mexico City"
Creator / Contributor:
Gómez de Trasmonte, Juan (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Fray Bartolomé de las Casas, or, the protection of the indians", cover
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Fort of Barrabas"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Hernán Cortés and his first adventures"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Story of the Beautiful Mallitzin, or, Lady Marina"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"Interior of Mexico City’s Cathedral"
Creator / Contributor:
Gualdi, Pedro (artist / artista) , Massé, Agustín (publisher / editorial) , Decaen Callejon, Jean (publisher / editorial) , and Valverde, Diego de (architect / arquitecto)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1841-1851
Translated Title:
"The Most Noble Mexico City divided into quarters"
Creator / Contributor:
Villavicencio, Manuel de, active/o 1762-1795 (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Princess Ray of Glory, or, the foundation of Mexico", portada
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The Venerable Mother María de Jesús de Agreda"
Creator / Contributor:
Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , and Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The most noble, and very loyal City of Angels"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The order and count that the [Nahuas] historically had to count the years", page 1
Creator / Contributor:
Chávez, Gabriel de (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The order and count that the [Nahuas] historically had to count the years", page 2
Creator / Contributor:
Chávez, Gabriel de (author / autor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Translated Title:
"The precious blood of Christ that is venerated in the Chapel of Tepeyac of Our Lady of Guadalupe"
Creator / Contributor:
Unidentified / No identificado (engraver / grabador)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Undated / Sin Fecha
Translated Title:
"The Voice of Heroism, and the Disillusionment of Ambition"
Creator / Contributor:
Frías, Heriberto, 1870-1925 (author / autor) , Posada, José Guadalupe, 1852-1913 (artist / artista) , and Maucci Hermanos (publisher / editorial)
Date Created / Date Issued: