Counter Reconstruyendo Guarjila Label Rebuilding Guarjila Label Reconstruindo Guarjila Label Unidentified / No identificado / Não identificado (author / autor) Label 1983-1989
2. Mujeres bordando en una hamaca Translated Title: Women embroidering in a hammock Third: Mulheres bordando em rede Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
3. Reencuentro de mujeres Translated Title: Reunion of women Third: Reunião de mulheres Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado / Não identificado (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
4. Grupo de niñas haciendo bordados Translated Title: Group of girls doing embroidery Third: Grupo de meninas fazendo bordado Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
5. Refugio Translated Title: Refuge Third: Refúgio Creator / Contributor: Palazzo, Giovanni (contributor / contribuidor / contribuinte) Date Created / Date Issued: 1981
6. Niñas bordando Translated Title: Girls embroidering Third: Meninas bordando Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1988
7. Niñas en taller de bordado Translated Title: Girls in embroidery workshop Third: Meninas na oficina de bordado Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
8. Niñas haciendo bordado Translated Title: Girls doing embroidery Third: Meninas fazendo bordado Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1988
9. Retornados Camión Translated Title: Returned Truck Third: Caminhão devolvido Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado / Não identificado (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
10. La utopía en el exilio Translated Title: Finding Utopia in Exile Third: Utopia no exílio Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
11. El cielo en la tierra Translated Title: Heaven on Earth Third: Céu na Terra Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
12. Introducción Translated Title: Introduction Third: Introdução Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
13. El éxodo Translated Title: The Exodus Third: O êxodo Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
14. Bordadoras de Memoria Logo Translated Title: Logo for Embroiderers of Memories Third: Logotipo da bordadeiras de memória Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado / Não identificado (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
15. Mujeres haciendo bordado Translated Title: Women doing embroidery Third: Mulheres fazendo bordados Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
16. Niños y niñas en taller de bordado Translated Title: Boys and girls in embroidery workshop Third: Meninos e meninas na oficina de bordado Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1983-1989
17. Dos niñas haciendo bordado Translated Title: Two girls doing embroidery Third: Duas meninas fazendo bordado Creator / Contributor: Cagan, Steve (photographer / fotógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1988
18. Los hilos de la memoria Translated Title: Threads of Memory Third: Os fios da memória Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
19. Retorno al terruño Translated Title: Returning Home Third: Retorne ao terroir Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data
20. Bordar recuerdos: ejercicio sanador y reparador Translated Title: Embroidering: A Healing Exercise Third: Bordando memórias: exercícios de cura e restauração Creator / Contributor: Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen (creator / creador / criador) Date Created / Date Issued: Undated / Sin Fecha / Sem data