Viceregal-archdiocese proclamation in favor of Ferdinand VII
- Translated Title:
- Proclamación virreinal-arquidiócesis a favor de Fernando VII
- Creator / Contributor:
- Lizana y Beaumont, Francisco Javier, 1750-1811 (author / autor)
- Date Created / Date Issued:
- 1810-04-25
- Place Name:
- Mexico and Mexico--Mexico City
- Description:
- Viceroy-Archbishop Lizana's provisions against the circulation in Mexico of Napoleon's proclamations of himself as King of Spain, with exhortations to all the faithful to show their loyalty to Fernando VII as their religious duty. —— Disposiciones del virrey-arzobispo Lizana contra la circulación en México de las proclamaciones de Napoleón como rey de España, con exhortaciones a todos los fieles a mostrar su lealtad a Fernando VII como deber religioso.
- Topic:
- Mexico--History--Wars of Independence, 1810-1821 , México--Historia--Guerras de Independencia, 1810-1821 , Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, 1784-1833 , Fernando VII, Rey de España, 1784-1833 , Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815--Campaigns--Spain , Guerras Napoleónicas, 1800-1815--Campañas--España , Catholic Church , Iglesia Católica , Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, 1768-1844 , and José Bonaparte, Rey de España, 1768-1844
- Time Period Covered:
- 19th Century / Siglo XIX (1800-1899)
- Language:
- Spanish
- Type:
- Text / Texto
- Extent:
- 1 page / página
- Source Collection Identifier:
- Oversized Folder
- Source Collection Name:
- Catholic Church in Mexico Collection
- Owning Repository:
- Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
- Rights:
- Public Domain / Dominio Público (
- Rights - Use and Reproduction:
- The University of Texas Libraries makes this electronic resource available solely for the purposes of research and teaching. If you would like to republish this resource in print or electronically, please contact Benson Special Collections staff at —— Las Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Texas proveen acceso a este recurso electrónico únicamente con fines de investigación y enseñanza. Si quisiera publicar en forma impresa o electrónica este recurso, por favor comuníquese con el personal de las Colecciones Especiales de la Benson por correo electrónico,