1. “One of the large piers with freight which has just been unloaded from a foreign vessel” Translated Title: "Uno de los muelles grandes con carga que acaba de ser descargada de un barco extranjero" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
2. “American farm machinery for use in the interior of the country” Translated Title: "Maquinaria agrícola americana para uso en el interior del país" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
3. “Ships and piers in the harbor” Translated Title: "Barcos y muelles en el puerto" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
4. “'Casa Torre Tagle', one of the old Spanish Palaces, now used by the War Department” Translated Title: "'Casa Torre Tagle', uno de los antiguos palacios españoles, ahora utilizado por el Departamento de Guerra" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
5. “Interior of the Tribunal Chamber of the Spanish inquisition in the Senate Building” Translated Title: "Interior de la Sala del Tribunal de la Inquisición Española en el Edificio del Senado" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
6. “The public water hydrant in the plaza” Translated Title: "El hidrante público en la plaza" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
7. “Water front of the city and the hills beyond, as seen from the deck of a ship” Translated Title: "Frente de agua de la ciudad y las colinas más allá, visto desde la cubierta de un barco" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
8. “Barges loaded with silver ore for shipment to foreign countries” Translated Title: "Barcazas cargadas con mineral de plata para envío a países extranjeros" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
9. “Street in the business section of the city” Translated Title: "Calle en la zona comercial de la ciudad" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
10. “Gateway to a patio of a private home” Translated Title: "Puerta de entrada a un patio de una casa particular" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
11. “The waterfront of the city” Translated Title: "El paseo marítimo de la ciudad" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
12. “The shore line” Translated Title: "La línea de la costa" Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
13. “Street scene” Translated Title: “Escena callejera” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
14. “An Aymara Indian of the better class” Translated Title: “Un indígena aymara de clase alta” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
15. “Llamas in the streets” Translated Title: “Llamas en las calles” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
16. “View overlooking a section of the city, with the uncompleted tower of the Cathedral in the foreground” Translated Title: “Vista mirando hacia una sección de la ciudad, con la torre incompleta de la torre de la catedral en el fondo” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
17. “Indian repairing his straw boat on the shore of Lake Titicaca” Translated Title: “Un indígena reparando su bote de paja en la costa del lago Titicaca” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
18. “An Aymara Indian mother and child of the better class” Translated Title: “Una madre indígena aymara y un niño de clase alta” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
19. “Some of the homes in the outlying section of the city looking towards Mt. Illimani” Translated Title: “Algunas de las casas en la sección periférica de la ciudad mirando hacia Mt. Illimani” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
20. “A wayside shrine, with a llama pack-train” Translated Title: “Un santuario en el camino, con un tren de carga de llamas” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928