81. “Aymara Indians” Translated Title: “Indígenas aymara” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
82. “Llamas” Translated Title: “Llamas” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
83. “The Cathedral” Translated Title: “La Catedral” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
84. “An Indian woman with llama ready to go to market” Translated Title: “Una mujer indígena con una llama lista para ir al mercado” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
85. “A typical street showing an old Inca palace to the left” Translated Title: “Una calle típica mostrando un antiguo palacio inca a la izquierda” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
86. “Llamas in the mountains of central Peru” Translated Title: “Llamas en las montañas del centro de Perú” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
87. “A window and part of an old wall which still remains from the time of the Incas” Translated Title: “Una ventana y parte de una pared antigua que todavía está desde el tiempo de los incas” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
88. “Indian boys wearing gaily colored shawls and caps” Translated Title: “Jóvenes indígenas vistiendo ponchos y gorras coloridas” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
89. “Copper smelter near Cerro de Pasco” Translated Title: “Una fundición de cobre cerca del Cerro de Pasco” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928
90. “Indian market scene near the city of Cuzco” Translated Title: “Escena de un mercado indígena cerca de la ciudad de Cuzco” Creator / Contributor: Hispanic Society of America (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: circa 1921-1928