About This Exhibit
Their Maya Story: George and Gerrie Andrews tells the story of two lives dedicated to documenting Maya architecture and celebrates the Andrews' contribution to Maya studies—and to the Alexander Architectural Archives.
Amanda Keys completed this online exhibit in May 2011 as part of her Professional Experience Project for the Master of Science in Information Studies degree at the University of Texas School of Information. In addition to this exhibition, the project included the continued processing of the Andrews' papers and photographic materials, which are housed at the Alexander Architectural Archives of the UT Libraries Architecture and Planning Library. View the George and Geraldine Andrews collection finding aid for more information about the archives.
Many thanks to Steven Williams of UT Libraries Technology Integration Services, whose expertise in programming supported the project's technical and training aspects in the early use of Drupal, and to art history Ph.D. student Meghan Rubenstein, whose contributions as a subject specialist helped determine the exhibition's structure. Gratitude also is due to the project field supervisors, Beth Dodd and Donna Coates, and the faculty supervisor, Dr. Megan Winget, for their advice and support.
In 2017, this exhibit was migrated from Drupal 6 to Omeka by Katie Pierce Meyer and Katie Jakovich. This exhibit was migrated from Omeka to Spotlight in 2021 by Jeremy Thompson, Katie Pierce Meyer, and Stephanie Tiedeken.
All iterations of this online exhibition were funded in part by The Blake Alexander Architectural Library Endowment and The Young Boozer Family Foundation.