"La Batería de Socapa rechazando a los cruceros Yankees"
- Translated Title:
- "The Socapa Battery rejecting the Yankee cruisers"
- Creator / Contributor:
- Chocolates E. Juncosa (Firm) (publisher / editorial)
- Date Created / Date Issued:
- circa 1910
- Place Name:
- Cuba and Cuba--Santiago de Cuba--La Socapa
- Description:
- Card shows the two imperial powers, the United States and Spain, with modernized weapons, horses, ships, and soldiers. —— La tarjeta muestra las dos potencias imperiales, Estados Unidos y España, con armas, caballos, barcos y soldados modernizados.
- Topic:
- Spanish-American War, 1898 , Guerra Española-Estadounidense, 1898 , Afro-Cubans , Afrocubanos , Cuba--History--Revolution, 1895-1898 , and Cuba--Historia--Revolución, 1895-1898
- Time Period Covered:
- 20th Century / Siglo XX (1900-1999)
- Language:
- Spanish
- Type:
- Still image / Imagen fija
- Extent:
- 1 trade card / tarjeta
- General Note:
- Dimensions / Dimensiones: 2.75 x 3 inches
- Source Collection Identifier:
- #315
- Source Collection Name:
- Miscellaneous Manuscripts Collection
- Owning Repository:
- Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
- Rights:
- Public Domain / Dominio Público (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/)
- Use and Reproduction:
- The University of Texas Libraries makes this electronic resource available solely for the purposes of research and teaching. If you would like to republish this resource in print or electronically, please contact Benson Special Collections staff at bensonspecialcollections@austin.utexas.edu. —— Las Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Texas proveen acceso a este recurso electrónico únicamente con fines de investigación y enseñanza. Si quisiera publicar en forma impresa o electrónica este recurso, por favor comuníquese con el personal de las Colecciones Especiales de la Benson por correo electrónico, bensonspecialcollections@austin.utexas.edu.