Dignified Collection of the Victims of the Armed Conflict in Guatemala
The Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala following the recommendations made by the Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico (CEH) and the Interdiocesan Project for the Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (REMHI) Informe Guatemala: Nunca Más, has published various publications such as Tribute to all the victims of repression, violence and terror experienced during the internal armed conflict.
Seeking to dignify all affected sectors, from the year 2002 the ODHAG began with this series of publications, since as its primary mission it is fighting so that Guatemalan society does not suffer the terrible consequences that the official policy of genocide can cause. The CEH and the REMHI Project will make the Guatemalan State obligatory in their reports to promote the recovery of memory, the dignity of the victims and support all those efforts in favor of these fines.
This collection is made up of 11 publications that seek to keep alive the memory of the martyrs, disappeared victims and survivors of the internal armed conflict that lasted 36 years.
Full scans of the titles listed below can be found at http://www.odhag.org.gt/publicaciones/publicaciones-area-de-cultura-de-paz/.
17. "Memorias vivas de una luz". Reconstruyendo una verdad histórica. Publicación de homenaje a Mujeres de Esperanza ("Living Memories of a Light." Reconstructing a historical truth. Publication of tribute to Women of Hope)
This publication is a heartfelt tribute and recognition that the Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala -ODHAG- gives to the women survivors of the armed conflict who are examples of struggle, life and hope.
In Guatemala, our country, 20 years ago we experienced a holocaust of death, pain, indiscriminate violence and destruction; that has left us all with footprints and deep marks, which have even guided our paths of life.
18. "Testigos de la fe por la paz". Vidas ejemplares de la Iglesia Católica de Guatemala. ("Witnesses of faith for peace." Exemplary lives of the Catholic Church of Guatemala.)
In this second edition, the life and work of Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera, Martyr for Truth and Peace, is strengthened with the life stories of the 14 Blessed Martyrs of Guatemala; The life stories of 29 martyrs who to date have not been declared martyrs by the Vatican are also maintained, some of them have already begun their cause for beatification and all of them, due to their example of life and commitment to the gospel, are considered martyrs for the Guatemalan people.
19. "Era tras la vida por lo que íbamos". Reconocimiento a jóvenes del Movimiento Estudiantil Guatemalteco ("It was after life that we were going." Recognition of young people from the Guatemalan Student Movement)
In the 6th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Monsignor Gerardi, we have carried out a work of compilation and investigation of names, faces, lives and struggles of young students who gave their lives, murdered or disappeared, within the framework of the struggles of the Student Movement, to present them to society Guatemala as a recognition, 20 years later, to that youth committed to the reality of the country.
20. "Y la verdad nos hará libres". Reconocimiento a la labor periodística en Guatemala ("And the truth will set us free." Recognition of journalistic work in Guatemala)
On this occasion, the memory, life, work, desires, victories and struggles of the journalistic sector are recovered, reflected in "And the truth will set us free".
The first part of the document aims to collect the context in which these acts of violence and terror occurred, in which people from different sectors such as Joaquín Medina Bermejo, make a contribution from the perspective of a journalist within the associations , the media, men and women, the social, economic and political situation that affected and continues to affect the performance of communicators who seek to make the truth known.
21. "Demos a la Niñez un futuro de paz". Por la dignificación de la niñez víctima del conflicto armado interno. ("Let's give Children a future of peace." For the dignity of the childhood victims of the internal armed conflict.)
In follow-up to the recommendations made at the time by both the Comisión para el Esclarecimiento Histórico and the Interdiocesan Project for the Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica; la Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado dedicates this tribute to all the victims of repression and intolerance who, like Monsignor Gerardi, poured out their suffering for the construction of a Different Guatemala.
The fundamental purpose of this publication is to dignify the memory of Guatemalan childhood, which, without explaining itself, was involved in a war that only brought pain, destruction, mistrust, fear to society; a war that was not theirs, but in which they, the boys and girls, were doubly victims given their condition of vulnerability.
22. "Lucha, dolor y esperanza para el campesinado guatemalteco". Reconocimiento al pueblo campesino guatemalteco víctima del conflicto armado interno ("Struggle, pain and hope for the Guatemalan farmers". Recognition of the Guatemalan farmers who are victims of the internal armed conflict)
The Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado, for the sixth consecutive year, presents to the general population a work that seeks to dignify the victims of the internal armed conflict. In this case, of the Guatemalan farmers, which will be the largest and most diverse social group to which their lives can be dignified, his struggle, his life, his historical suffering.
23. ¿Por qué ellos y ellas? En memoria de los mártires desaparecidos y sobrevivientes del movimiento sindical de Guatemala (Why them? In memory of the disappeared martyrs and survivors of the Guatemalan trade union movement)
Within the framework of the eleventh anniversary of the martyrdom of Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera, a process of recovery of the memory, lives and struggles of the union movement in Guatemala was carried out, which aims to be a necessary tool for society in general, but especially the new generations know about the recent history of our country.
It presents the life profiles of 16 trade unionists, men and women trying to recognize their struggle and effort for the construction of another Guatemala, where the right to organize is respected.
24. "La solidaridad era la base de sus vidas" En memoria de los mártires, desaparecidos y sobrevivientes del magisterio de Guatemala ("Solidarity was the basis of their lives" In memory of the martyrs, disappeared and survivors of the Guatemalan teachers)
The Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala ─ODHAG─ and the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences) ─FLACSO─, Guatemala Academic Headquarters, within the framework of the twelfth anniversary of the martyrdom of Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera, present the investigation to Guatemalan society " Solidarity was the basis of their lives”, in memory of the martyrs, disappeared and survivors of the national teachers of Guatemala.
Presents the life profiles of 14 teachers and teachers committed to childhood, education and a different Guatemala, as Monsignor Gerardi would say.
25. "Testigos del Morral Sagrado". En homenaje a los Catequistas sobrevivientes que han trabajado con dedicación, aun arriesgando la propia vida, por la construcción del Reino de Dios ("Witnesses of the Sacred Backpack". In homage to the surviving Catechists who have worked with dedication, even risking their own lives, for the construction of the Kingdom of God)
A story narrated in the first person, by four very specific men who lived firsthand the profound horrors of the war, which divided us Guatemalans during 36 long years of internal armed confrontation.
These catechists are leaders of Christian communities that grew in the heat of the push of Catholic Action in the Guatemalan highlands and the movement of the Delegates of the Word in Izabal. All of them belong to martyred churches, punished by persecution, mainly during the eighties of the last century in Guatemala.
26. "Por reflejar el alma de un pueblo". El arte guatemalteco en la historia reciente del país ("For reflecting the soul of a people." Guatemalan art in the recent history of the country)
This reconnaissance investigation is made up of three parts; The first collects the historical context, locating us in the Guatemala of the time, its social, political and cultural situation, gives us an overview to better understand the situation of the country since the period of 1944.
The second part presents the life profiles of eight artists committed to the creation of a different Guatemala, who through their different expressions wanted to reflect the soul of the people and for this reason were victims of repression and persecution.
Finally, the third part is an attempt to recover the names and facts of Human Rights violations of this sector of society that occurred during the period of the Armed Conflict in our country.
27. "Silenciaron nuestra historia... ahora queremos justicia". Las violaciones a los derechos humanos cometidas contra las mujeres durante el Conflicto Armado Interno en la región Q´eqchí´. ( "They silenced our history... now we want justice." Human rights violations committed against women during the Internal Armed Conflict in the Q'eqchí' region.)
The importance of knowing and making visible the specific rights of women who were violated during the Internal Armed Conflict is justified by the need to identify what rights were and in what different ways they were violated in that context. Although it is presumed that the applicability of the Human rights is universal, some aspects show inequality in the application of human rights towards women, such as gender violence, the feminization of poverty, femicide, and discrimination associated with women.
In this vein, the fundamental objective of this investigation is to contribute to the identification of these violations of human rights of women during the Internal Armed Conflict, taking as a case that of Q'eqchi's women in general and of 6 communities in particular: Cambayal and Sesajal, in the municipality of San Pedro Carchá and Sesuchaj, Semox Setinta, Carolina and SantaLucía Cajcán in the municipality of Chisec, in the department of Alta Verapaz.