Monsignor Juan José Gerardi
Monsignor Juan Gerardi Conedera Guatemalan Bishop of the Catholic Church, staunch defender of Human Rights in Guatemala. For his commitment to promoting economic, social and cultural rights, he received the Premio de la Verapaz from the Instituto Guatemalteco de Cultura Hispánica/ Cultural Center of Spain in Guatemala.
He was General Coordinator of the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala and promoter of the Proyecto lnterdiocesano Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica (REMHI) Guatemala: Nunca más. “We want to contribute to the construction of a different country. That is why we recover the memory of the people. This path was and continues to be full of risks, but the construction of the Kingdom of God has risks and only those who have the strength to face them are its builders” (Monsignor Juan Gerardi, April 24, 1998).
He was a martyr for the truth; two days after the presentation of the Informe Guatemala: Nunca más, he was assassinated in his home in the San Sebastián Parish. His memory and legacy comforts the face of the constant struggle and defense of human rights, resulting in hope for the construction of peace.
Full scans of the titles listed below can be found at
13. "Biografía Monseñor Gerardi". La verdad es un don que enorgullece a quien lo da y engrandece a quien lo recibe ("Monsignor Gerardi Biography". Truth is a gift that makes the person who gives it proud and the person who receives it great.)
This simple portrait of the person of Monsignor Juan Gerardi, of his work and pastoral mission as Bishop, of his passion for justice, the defense of the truth and human rights, is published on the 4th anniversary of his martyrdom. Guatemala, April 26, 2002.
The first notes of this minimal biography of Monsignor Gerardi began to be written with the nervousness and shock of the tragic news of his murder, and a few hours after such an execrable event. The confusion paralyzed us! And the "whys" crowded into our minds without an answer, without an explanation. How is it possible! Reality bowed us down to surrender to the evidence. His death reached us all equally, to hit us to the core.
14. "Monseñor Gerardi : ejemplo para una Guatemala distinta". ("Monsignor Gerardi: example for a different Guatemala".)
This is an adaptation made through simple language and with illustrations, of the biography "Monsignor Gerardi" written by Brother Santiago Otero, who is one of the most important researchers on the life and work of Bishop Martyr.
The purpose of this book is to make known the life and contributions of Monsignor Gerardi to Peace, Truth and Justice in Guatemala. Ten years after his death, the new generations need to know the history and what happened in the country, under the motto "Memoria viva para una Guatemala Distinta" (Living memory for a different Guatemala).
15. "Juan Gerardi... memoria vida de nuestro pueblo: biografía fotográfica ("Juan Gerardi... memory of the life of our people: photographic biography)
The Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado de Guatemala (Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala), within the framework of the seventh anniversary of the death of Monsignor Gerardi, presents his photographic biography, in which he allows you to experience images of his life and work delivered to the people and God, in a constant struggle in favor of those most in need.
16. "Teoría de un crimen: La ejecución extrajudicial de Monseñor Juan José Gerardi Conedera" ("Theory of a crime: The extrajudicial execution of Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera")
This is a description of the process that was followed to clarify the crime committed against Monsignor Juan José Gerardi Conedera, a just man, told from legal experience, but also from the human experience of those who were directly involved in the search for justice.
The purpose of this material is to make known, especially to the new generations, the work and commitment that, in favor of the poor and forgotten of this country, Monsignor Gerardi developed work that motivated his unjust and unnecessary extrajudicial execution. We intend, as ODHAG, to motivate the study of his life and martyrdom, so that it serves as an inspiration for those who choose a commitment to life, truth and justice.