Unapologetically Queer

Showing U.S. Latine LGBTQIA+ Narratives

This exhibition will offer an insight into the formation of the Latine queer community and the pivotal role it played in the LGBTQIA+ rights movement at the turn of the 21st century.

Ya Basta

Chicanas/os in the Texas Labor Movement

This exhibit explores three Latino/a unionization movements in Texas.

Communicating U.S. Latine Activism

This exhibit examines how U.S. Latine activists employ three communication techniques–sound bites, hooking, and flagging–throughout various media to connect civil, labor, and LGBTQ+ movements 1965-2003.

Centro de la Memoria Monseñor Juan Gerardi Guatemala

In this exhibition, three collections are presented that include the bibliographic material generated from the institutional work of the Oficina de Derechos Humanos del Arzobispado (Human Rights Office of the Archbishop).

Cardboard Cutouts

Examples from the Benson’s Cartonera Collection

This exhibition contextualizes the importance of cartoneras within Latin American and Caribbean cultural production, particularly as a publishing outlet for socially excluded voices.

Iskonawa Language

A Cultural Guide of the Iskonawa Language Collection in AILLA

This exhibition offers a cultural guide to the Iskonawa Language Collection in the Archive of Indigenous Languages of Latin America.

Middle East Banking in the 20th Century

Unique Ephemera from the UT Libraries' Collection

This digital exhibit draws on UTL's Middle East banking ephemera collection. Much of the collection was donated by UT Government Professor Emeritus Clement Henry. The collection includes pamphlets, bank reports, directories, handbooks, and scholarly studies of Middle East banking, in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, English, French, and German. This exhibit will interest those concerned with international banking and finance in the 20th century, Middle East or Islamic banking practices, and the political economy of the Middle East.

Modernity across Mexico and Its Neighbors


This exhibit showcases some of the most complex, sometimes overlooked, yet nevertheless critical transformations that impacted people’s lives across Mexico and its “neighbors” in the U.S., Europe, South America, and the Caribbean.

Elsewhere & Otherwise

Imagination & Worldmaking in the Black Queer Studies Collection

This exhibition is meant to highlight the rich holdings found within the Black Queer Studies Collection. The materials brought together in this exhibition recognizes the cultural productions by Black queer subjects from across the African diaspora.

The Field Maps of Colonel Roland T. Fenton

Situation maps from WWI and WWII, belong to one U.S. Army officer, Col. Roland T. Fenton. The maps include classic trench maps, a French long-distance (indirect fire) firing range calculator for Hotchkiss machine gun, and French shelling coordinates from 1918. Some show trench elements, tracks, telephone lines, battery positions, doubtful positions, unoccupied shoulders, underground entrances, and batteries or trenches with sniper niches. German trenches and batteries were overprinted in blue. French surveillance line overprinted in red. There are hand-written annotations.

Publicity and Propaganda: The Great Britain Ministry of Information – Daily Press Notices and Bulletins from World War II

By 1935, it was becoming apparent to the British government that war with Germany would be inevitable. To avoid public panic, the government secretly planned a new department that would control propaganda and publicity surrounding the coming war. From this work, the Ministry of Information (MOI) was born on September 4th 1939, the day after Britain's declaration of war. The MOI was tasked with the handling of news censorship, national publicity, and international publicity in the Allied and neutral countries. Not only did the Ministry produce these daily bulletins, but they were also responsible for posters, films, radio broadcasts, pamphlets, newspaper articles, and advertisements. In March 1946, the MOI was dissolved as its mission to fight “a war of ideas,” had been completed with the end of World War II. The Daily Press Notices and Bulletins were the main form of communication from the British Government to the public and press during World War II. These publications provided the information that the domestic and international press used to report on the war, from the British government’s point of view. Documents range from descriptions of rationing on the home front, to the accounts of battles, to lists of casualties amongst other information. This collection, available in Texas ScholarWorks, contains the Press Notices and Bulletins published by the MOI between 1939-1946. The Bulletins are among many publications and films issued by the agency during the war but UT Libraries is the only library in the world that owns this complete series.   This exhibition was curated by Gilbert Borrego, Digital Repository Specialist, UT Libraries, 2021.

A Hemisphere of Knowledge

A Benson Centennial Exhibit

To mark the Benson’s centennial, this exhibition looks at knowledge production from different communities in the Americas. Special attention is paid to community stories, craftwork, harvest and subsistence, medicine, and flora and fauna.

Celebrating Eric Williams

This exhibit is about the Honorable Dr. Eric Eustace Williams (1911-1981), a scholar and statesman that led Trinidad and Tobago for over a quarter of a century. He oversaw the country’s independence from Britain in 1962 and 1976 transition to a Republic. Williams served as Prime Minister until his death in 1981.

A New Spain


This exhibit traces the cultural, social, and political evolution of the Viceroyalty of New Spain from the fall of Moctezuma’s Tenochtitlan until the rise of Iturbide’s Mexican Empire.

Bureaucracy on the Ground in Colonial Mexico

A Window into the Visita of 1765

This exhibition explores the localized consequences of the royal inspection, or visita general, administered by José de Gálvez in New Spain from 1765-1771.

Spanish Missions in Texas and Mexico: Restoration, reconstruction, and documentation

Spanish Missions in Texas and Mexico: Restoration, reconstruction, and documentation is a exhibition of digitized drawings and photographs of eighteenth-century Spanish missions and San Antonio's Governor's Palace. These records, dating mainly from the 1920s through the 1950s, reflect how the structures looked before various efforts of restoration and reconstruction. Selected from collections within the Alexander Architectural Archives, they include works by Harvey P. Smith, Stewart King, Ayres and Ayres, Robert Leon White, and measured drawings by UT Austin School of Architecture students in the Texas Architecture Archive.

Santa Anna in Life and Legend

This exhibit explores the history of Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794-1876), a colossal figure in Mexico’s post-independence politics with a legacy of losing half the nation’s territory to the United States.

South Asian Popular and Pulp Fiction Exhibits

Pastorelas: Past and Present

Pastorelas were commonly an oral tradition, rarely being transcribed to paper. This digital exhibit highlights the rare, beautifully written, and illustrated pastorela, El triunfo de Jesús contra la lengua del diablo : pastorela en cuatro actos by Manuel Antonio Zayas from 1853. It is available at the Rare Books and Manuscripts Room of the Benson Latin American Collection.

Diverse Adaptations of Classical Literature

This exhibit showcases items from the UT Libraries collection of original classical Greek literature in translation and contemporary adaptations created by a more diverse authorship than usually discussed. In this context, diverse is defined as people of color (POC), women and/or those from LGBTQ+ communities. UT Libraries contain a depth of diverse adaptations but showcased here are works of authors from Latinx & Latin American, African & African Diaspora, Asian-American and LGBTQ+ communities. This exhibit asks us to redefine who Classics is 'for' by delving into how the ancient world has been received and recontextualized by diverse adaptations engaging with classical literature. As such, it is but one effort to illustrate a fresh and more nuanced face of a field from which many POC and LGBTQ+ communities have been excluded. The collection and themes presented in this exhibit on diverse adaptations are intended to encourage those who may not have historically felt included in conversations related to classics or classical literature.

You Are What You (Do Not) Eat: Decolonial Resistance in U.S. Latinx Zines

An exhibit highlighting the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection's zines to analyze the intersectionality of Latinidad and food studies.

Peru in the 1920s

The early twentieth century brought political, economic, and social changes to Peru. After the devastating losses experienced from the War of the Pacific in the late 1800s, the need to reconstruct and reform Peruvian society lent itself to the economic opportunities modernization presented. This exhibition of postcards from the 1920s show how the past and present converged in Peru at this critical juncture.

Remembering Ernesto Cardenal

Selections from His Archive

This exhibition reflects upon the impact and legacy of poet, priest, liberation theologist, sculptor, and activist Ernesto Cardenal.

Unearthing Forgotten Perspectives

on 19th Century Latin America

Exhibition on Latin America during the 19th Century

Embroiderers of Memories

This exhibition by the Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen tells the stories of women who lived in exile in the refugee camps of Honduras during the Salvadoran Civil War.

Mapping Mexican History

Territories in Dispute, Identities in Question

The maps presented in this exhibition serve as visual histories of Mexican territory, culture, and identity through three centuries of transformation. Through image and text, these documents trace the intertwined and often contentious relationships between indigenous and European, civil and religious, and “national” and foreign, in Mexico’s evolution from colonial territory to modern state.

Socialist Pamphlets

Pamphlets from the USSR, France, and the U.K.

This exhibit is comprised of three sections, each focusing on pamphlets related to socialism and communism in, respectively, the USSR, France, and the United Kingdom.

Satire After the Young Turk Revolution

Cartoons from Kalem Magazine, 1908

“Satire After the Young Turk Revolution” highlights some of the most poignant political cartoons from the first two months’ of the bilingual Ottoman Turkish-French weekly Kalem magazine’s run. This was a particularly tumultuous time in the history of the late Ottoman Empire as it grew closer to its transition into the Turkish Republic. The cartoon images have been selected for this exhibit because of their accessible meaning, illustration of the top issues of the time period, and aesthetic value. Kalem magazine was chosen for this exhibit because it represents UT Libraries’ rare Ottoman collections that are ripe for digitization to increase access for the public. This exhibit will be of interest to those fascinated by pre-WWI Europe, the Ottoman Empire, satirical and political cartoons, and French publications in the Middle East. It will be of particular interest to researchers and students of the Middle East, early 20th century Europe, and popular art and literature across cultures. The print magazine is available at the Perry-Castañeda Library at UT Austin and through the Center for Research Libraries. An incomplete digital copy (issues 2 - 40) can be found through the HathiTrust Library. It is hoped that a full-color and complete digital copy of Kalem magazine will be available as an initiative of the Middle East Materials Project of the Center for Research Libraries. Citation: Correa, Dale, curator. (2019). Satire After the Young Turk Revolution: Cartoons from Kalem Magazine, 1908.

Formation of State, Subject and Self

in 19th-Century Latin America

This exhibit reveals the region’s tumultuous and transformative 19th-century journeys towards the formation (s) of State, Subject and Self.

A Work in Progress

Latin America's 19th Century

The exhibit begins with the dissolution of Spain’s Atlantic Monarchy in 1808 and continues into the early 20th century, tracing out how revolutions in technology, medicine, and political systems transformed lives, communities, and places.

A Well-Made Object: Architect Howard Meyer

This exhibition, A Well-Made Object: Architect Howard Meyer, is a site dedicated to a film about Dallas architect, Howard Meyer. It is an educational resource for those interested in Modern Architecture during the 1950's in the Dallas, TX area.

The Architectural Legacy of Herbert Miller Greene

An exhibition of archival material documenting the work of Herbert Miller Greene from collections in the Alexander Architectural Archives including: Atlantic Terra Cotta Company records, George Dahl collection, Greene, LaRoche and Dahl drawings, Texas Architectural collection, and the University of Texas Buildings collection.

Eugene George: Architect, Scholar, Educator, Photographer

This exhibition celebrates the contributions of Eugene George to the fields of education and historic preservation and recognizes his work as an architect and photographer. It contains selections from the Walter Eugene George, Jr. collection at the Alexander Architectural Archives.

Our Landmark Library: Battle Hall at 100

This exhibition celebrates the history of Battle Hall, a historic library building on the University of Texas at Austin campus. Archival materials included in this online exhibition come from the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, the New-York Historical Society Museum and Library, the Minnesota Historical Society, the Library of Congress, the Alexander Architectural Archives, the University of Texas Libraries, and the Austin History Center.

Their Maya Story: George and Gerrie Andrews

This exhibition tells the story of George and Gerrie Andrews' dedication to documenting Maya architecture and celebrates their contribution to Maya studies—and to the Alexander Architectural Archives, where their records form the George and Geraldine Andrews collection.

Music and Childhood Culture

This digital exhibit features scores, audio recordings, and scholarly texts from the University of Texas Libraries collection, highlighting the historical complexity and cultural significance of children's music.