How to Use this Cultural Guide

This Cultural Guide aims to facilitate the access, navigation, and use of the Iskonawa Language Collection in the Archive of Indigenous Languages ​​of Latin America. Before starting, you have to create an account in AILLA. When you are ready, do the following steps:

  1. Open the Exhibition Iskonawa Language, A Cultural Guide of the Iskonawa Language Collection in AILLA

  2. Navigate using the exhibition topics (i.e., Traditional Narratives, Contact History, Preparing Foods and Drinks)

  3. Each cultural topic has a title, photo(s), presentation text, and a list of files

  4. Click on the file you want to review

  5. A direct access to AILLA will automatically open and take you to the VIDEO or AUDIO file

  6. You may then review and download the file that you choose

  7. If you like to continue, go back to the exhibition and repeat the previous steps

Do not forget to create your account in AILLA and log in when using this Cultural Guide.

The Iskonawa Language Collection has AUDIO (wav), VIDEO (mpg) and TRANSCRIPTION (eaf/xml) files. You are invited to navigate the collection and find more information.