"Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam deuastatarum verissima", portada
"Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam deuastatarum verissima", portada
Translated Title:
"A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies", title page
Creator / Contributor:
Winghe, Joos van, approximately 1544-1603 (engraver / grabador) , Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566 (author / autor) , Officina Bryana (publisher / editorial) , and Typis Ioannis Saurii (printer / impresor)
Date Created / Date Issued:
Place Name:
Germany and Germany--Frankfurt
Title page border is an engraved composition of four scenes. The top scene depicts an Indigenous group battling Europeans. The two scenes on either side of the title text illustrate Indigenous people carrying numerous vessels. The scene at the bottom shows an Indigenous nobleman surrounded by presumably silver vessels and platters Indigenous people are bringing, likely offerings to the armed Europeans facing the Indigenous leader. —— El borde de la portada es una composición grabada de cuatro escenas. La escena superior muestra a un grupo indígena luchando contra los europeos. Las dos escenas a ambos lados del título ilustran a indígenas que transportan numerosas jarrones. La escena en la parte inferior muestra a un noble indígena rodeado de vasijas y bandejas, presuntamente de plata, que traen los indígenas, probablemente ofrendas a los europeos armados frente al líder indígena.
Part of: / Parte de: Bartolomé de las Casas' "Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam deuastatarum verissima" (Francofurti: Sumptibus Theodori de Bry, & Ioannis Saurii typis, 1598).
Source Collection Identifier:
GZZ 980.6 C26NA 1598
Source Collection Name:
Rare Book Collection
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
Public Domain / Dominio Público (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/)
Use and Reproduction:
The University of Texas Libraries makes this electronic resource available solely for the purposes of research and teaching. If you would like to republish this resource in print or electronically, please contact Benson Special Collections staff at bensonspecialcollections@austin.utexas.edu. —— Las Bibliotecas de la Universidad de Texas proveen acceso a este recurso electrónico únicamente con fines de investigación y enseñanza. Si quisiera publicar en forma impresa o electrónica este recurso, por favor comuníquese con el personal de las Colecciones Especiales de la Benson por correo electrónico, bensonspecialcollections@austin.utexas.edu.