Montes de Oca, José María, 1772-c. 1825 (artist / artista)
Date Created / Date Issued:
circa 1804
Place Name:
Mexico and Mexico--Mexico City
Transcription: "Tombstone found at the site of the first figure second stamp. The construction of the castle as it looked now. 20 years [ago] as I have been informed by what was registered at that time, it consisted of 5 bodies. A. Ximotlate or chair was made of stone of special construction." —— Transcripción: "Lápida que se hallaba en el sitio de la estampa primera figura segunda. La fábrica del Castillo cómo se veía ahora 20 años según se me ha informado por lo que en aquel tiempo lo registraron se componía de 5 cuerpos. A. Ximotlate o silla era de piedra de especial construcción."
16th Century / Siglo XVI (1500-1599) , 17th Century / Siglo XVII (1600-1699) , and 18th Century / Siglo XVIII (1700-1799)
Spanish / Español
Still image / Imagen fija
2 engravings / grabados
General Note:
Part of: / Parte de: "Tablas estaticas [sic] del Reyno de Nueva España. October 25, 1804."
Source Collection Identifier:
Source Collection Name:
Genaro García Manuscripts Collection
Owning Repository:
Benson Latin American Collection, LLILAS Benson Latin American Studies and Collections, The University of Texas at Austin
Public Domain / Dominio Público (
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