1. Carta a Carlos V sobre la gobernación de los indígenas, página 1 Translated Title: Letter to Charles V regarding the governance of the Indigenous people, page 1 Creator / Contributor: Cortés, Hernán, 1485-1547 (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1524-10-15
2. "Typus Cosmographicus Universalis" Translated Title: "Universal Cosmographic Type" Creator / Contributor: Huttich, Johann, 1480?-1544 (contributor / contribuidor) and Grynäus, Simon, 1493-1541 (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1537
3. "Aquí comienza un vocabulario en la lengua castellana y mexicana", portada Translated Title: "Here begins a vocabulary in the Spanish and Mexican languages", title page Creator / Contributor: Molina, Alonso de, -1585 (author / autor) and Pablos, Juan, -1561? (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1555
4. Nómina de funcionarios reales locales, página 13 Translated Title: Payroll of local royal officials, page 13 Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1564-03-06
5. "Tipus sacrificiorum, quae in templis Demonum Indi imaniter faciebant", frontispicio Translated Title: "Types of Sacrifices, which the Indians Presented on the Demonic Temple," frontispiece Creator / Contributor: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1571
6. "Non judicavi me scire aliquid inter vos, nisi Jesum Christum, & hunc crucifixum" Translated Title: "For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified" Creator / Contributor: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1571
7. "Tipus eorum quae fratres faciunt in novo indiarum orbe" Translated Title: "Types of Labor Friars Do in the New Indian World" Creator / Contributor: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1571
8. "Spiritus divini suprime: Evangelizare paupribus misitme esa", frontispicio Translated Title: "The Supreme Holy Spirit Has Sent Me to Evangelize," frontispiece Creator / Contributor: Mendieta, Gerónimo de, 1525-1604 (artist / artista) Date Created / Date Issued: 1571
9. Voto ilustrado de profesión a la Orden de San Agustín Translated Title: Illustrated vow of profession to the Order of St. Augustin Creator / Contributor: Velázquez Salazar, Juan (artist / artista) , Perea, Martin de (contributor / contribuidor) , and Santa María, Gregorio de (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1573-08-11
10. "Real cédula al Obispo de Oaxaca sobre maltrato de los indios", página 1 Translated Title: "Royal decree to the Bishop of Oaxaca regarding the mistreatment of the Indigenous", page 1 Creator / Contributor: Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598 (author / autor) and Eraso, Antonio de, -1586 (contributor / contribuidor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1582-05-27
11. "Vocabulario en lengua mixteca", portada Translated Title: "Vocabulary in Mixtec language", title page Creator / Contributor: Alvarado, Francisco de, -1603 (author / autor) and Balli, Pedro, active 1574-1600 (publisher / editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1593
12. "Narratio regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam deuastatarum verissima", portada Translated Title: "A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies", title page Creator / Contributor: Winghe, Joos van, approximately 1544-1603 (engraver / grabador) , Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566 (author / autor) , Officina Bryana (publisher / editorial) , and Typis Ioannis Saurii (printer / impresor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1598
13. Conquistadores españoles esclavizando a indígenas en Jalisco Translated Title: Spanish conquistadors enslaving Indigenous people in Jalisco Creator / Contributor: Winghe, Joos van, approximately 1544-1603 (engraver / grabador) , Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566 (author / autor) , Officina Bryana (publisher / editorial) , and Typis Ioannis Saurii (printer / impresor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1598
14. "Patente del Padre Comisario General de la Nueva España envía a los religiosos de la Custodia de la Florida", página 1 Translated Title: "Patent of the Father Commissioner General of New Spain sends to the religious of the Custody of Florida", page 1 Creator / Contributor: Cieza, Juan de (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1607
15. "Le Nouveau Mexique et la Floride" Translated Title: "New Mexico and Florida" Creator / Contributor: Sanson d'Abbeville, N. (cartographer / cartógrafo) and Somer, [unidentified] (engraver / grabador) Date Created / Date Issued: 1656
16. "La Venerable Madre María de Jesús de Agreda" Translated Title: "The Venerable Mother María de Jesús de Agreda" Creator / Contributor: Castro, Antonio de (artist / artista) , Benavides, Alonso de, active 1630 (contributor / contribuidor) , and Hogal, José Bernardo de, -1741 (publisher /editorial) Date Created / Date Issued: 1730
17. "Demarcación de nuevas misiones que pidieron los padres franciscanos en Nuevo México" Translated Title: "Demarcation of new missions requested by the Franciscan fathers in New Mexico" Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1746
18. "A New & Accurate Map of Mexico or New Spain together with California New Mexico" Translated Title: "Un mapa nuevo y preciso de México o Nueva España junto con California Nuevo México" Creator / Contributor: Bowen, Emanuel, 1693 or 1694-1767 (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1747-1752
19. Pueblos, misiones y haciendas al sur del Río Grande Translated Title: Villages, missions, and haciendas south of the Rio Grande Creator / Contributor: Unidentified / No identificado (cartographer / cartógrafo) Date Created / Date Issued: 1750
20. Reducción de indígenas en Sinaloa y Sonora, página 1 Translated Title: Congregation of Indigenous people in Sinaloa and Sonora, page 1 Creator / Contributor: Ortiz Parrilla, Diego (author / autor) Date Created / Date Issued: 1750-12-30